
DE ANDRÈ #DeAndrè Best of live tour

Sat 07 Sep 2024 - h 21:00 | Piazza della Loggia di Brescia, Brescia

Info Available
Handling and delivery fees may be applied to your order. You may buy no more than 10 tickets. Orders exceeding this limit will be checked.
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1 Settore Numerato / Full Price

Currently not available 55.00 €
+ Fees

2 Settore Non Numerato / Full Price

40.00 €
+ Fees

3 Settore - Posto in Piedi / Full Price

30.00 €
+ Fees

Delivery methods


Price details

Prices quoted as all market operators

1 Settore Numerato / Full Price 47.80 € 7.20 € 3.85 €
2 Settore Non Numerato / Full Price 34.80 € 5.20 € 2.80 €
3 Settore - Posto in Piedi / Full Price 26.00 € 4.00 € 2.10 €

Delivery fees

Courier deliveries are tracked. You will receive your tracking number once your tickets are shipped. Click here for further information.