
Semifinali Supercoppa LNP 2024

Sat 21 Sep 2024 - h 14:00 | Modigliani Forum, Livorno

Info Available
Handling and delivery fees may be applied to your order. You may buy no more than 10 tickets. Orders exceeding this limit will be checked.
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Parterre / Full Price

The ticket is valid for the entire day. By purchasing a ticket, it will be possible to follow all the matches of the semifinals.
31.50 €
+ Fees

Tribuna Numerata / Full Price

The ticket is valid for the entire day. By purchasing a ticket, it will be possible to follow all the matches of the semifinals.
21.50 €
+ Fees

Tribuna Numerata / Reduced Under 16

The ticket is valid for the entire day. By purchasing a ticket, it will be possible to follow all the matches of the semifinals.
16.50 €
+ Fees

Curva non Numerata / Full Price

The ticket is valid for the entire day. By purchasing a ticket, it will be possible to follow all the matches of the semifinals.
16.50 €
+ Fees

Curva FORLÌ / Full Price

The ticket is valid for the entire day. By purchasing a ticket, it will be possible to follow all the matches of the semifinals.
16.50 €
+ Fees

Curva ORZINUOVI / Full Price

The ticket is valid for the entire day. By purchasing a ticket, it will be possible to follow all the matches of the semifinals.
16.50 €
+ Fees

Curva BOLOGNA / Full Price

The ticket is valid for the entire day. By purchasing a ticket, it will be possible to follow all the matches of the semifinals.
16.50 €
+ Fees

Curva CANTÙ / Full Price

The ticket is valid for the entire day. By purchasing a ticket, it will be possible to follow all the matches of the semifinals.
16.50 €
+ Fees

Curva MONTECATINI / Full Price

The ticket is valid for the entire day. By purchasing a ticket, it will be possible to follow all the matches of the semifinals.
16.50 €
+ Fees

Curva LIVORNO / Full Price

The ticket is valid for the entire day. By purchasing a ticket, it will be possible to follow all the matches of the semifinals.
16.50 €
+ Fees

Curva ROSETO / Full Price

The ticket is valid for the entire day. By purchasing a ticket, it will be possible to follow all the matches of the semifinals.
16.50 €
+ Fees

Curva RUVO DI PUGLIA / Full Price

The ticket is valid for the entire day. By purchasing a ticket, it will be possible to follow all the matches of the semifinals.
16.50 €
+ Fees

Delivery methods


Price details

Prices quoted as all market operators

Parterre / Full Price 30.00 € 1.50 € 2.20 €
Tribuna Numerata / Full Price 20.00 € 1.50 € 1.50 €
Tribuna Numerata / Reduced Under 16 15.00 € 1.50 € 1.16 €
Curva non Numerata / Full Price 15.00 € 1.50 € 1.16 €
Curva FORLÌ / Full Price 15.00 € 1.50 € 1.16 €
Curva ORZINUOVI / Full Price 15.00 € 1.50 € 1.16 €
Curva BOLOGNA / Full Price 15.00 € 1.50 € 1.16 €
Curva CANTÙ / Full Price 15.00 € 1.50 € 1.16 €
Curva MONTECATINI / Full Price 15.00 € 1.50 € 1.16 €
Curva LIVORNO / Full Price 15.00 € 1.50 € 1.16 €
Curva ROSETO / Full Price 15.00 € 1.50 € 1.16 €
Curva RUVO DI PUGLIA / Full Price 15.00 € 1.50 € 1.16 €

Delivery fees

Courier deliveries are tracked. You will receive your tracking number once your tickets are shipped. Click here for further information.