
Fiorella Mannoia | FIORELLA SINFONICA - Live con Orchestra

Sat 07 Dec 2024 - H 21:15 | Gran Teatro GEOX, Padova

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  • At the final price (price + presale) service commissions will be added, clearly visible in the cart without the need for registration.
  • Ticket limit available for each user: 6.


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10.90 €

(please consult our FAQs to find out shipping times)


(digital ticket via email)


Prices quoted as all market operators

First Platea / Full Price 77.39 € 11.61 € 6.23 €
Second Platea / Full Price 68.70 € 10.30 € 5.53 €
First Sector Extra Comfort Grandstand / Intero 60.00 € 9.00 € 4.83 €
First Sector Grandstand 60.00 € 9.00 € 4.83 €
Second Sector Grandstand 51.30 € 7.70 € 4.13 €
Third Sector Grandstand 42.61 € 6.39 € 3.43 €