
Joshua Bassett: The Golden Years Tour

Thu 03 Oct 2024 - h 21:00 | Fabrique, Milano

Info Suspended sales

These tickets are available exclusively to Mastercard cardholders and can only be purchased using a Mastercard and paying through the Mastercard network

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Handling and delivery fees may be applied to your order. You may buy no more than 6 tickets. Orders exceeding this limit will be checked.


Preferred Mastercard | General Admission / Full Price

40.25 €
+ Fees

Price details

Prices quoted as all market operators

Preferred Mastercard | General Admission / Full Price 35.00 € 5.25 € 2.82 €

Delivery fees

Courier deliveries are tracked. You will receive your tracking number once your tickets are shipped. Click here for further information.

Italia 10.90 €
ZONA 1 14.99 €
ZONA 2 17.99 €
ZONA 3 25.99 €
ZONA 4 20.99 €
ZONA 5 29.99 €
ZONA 6 29.99 €
ZONA 7 29.99 €